ACB History

Section 13 of the Constitution committed the country to “introduce measures which will guarantee accountability, transparency, personal integrity and financial probity and which by virtue of their effectiveness and transparency will strengthen confidence in public institutions” In conformity with this commitment,  Government presented a Corrupt Practices Bill, no 18 of 1995 which Parliament which was passed in December, 1995. It was amended in 2004.

The Anti- Corruption Bureau (ACB) is a government department headed by the Director General assisted by the Deputy Director General who are both appointed by the President but whose appointment is subject to ratification by the Public Appointments Committee of Parliament. Other officers of the Bureau are appointed by the Director General following normal recruitment procedures. The finances of the Bureau are charged to the consolidated fund.

The Director General is subject to the direction and control of the Minister (of justice) on all matters of policy, but otherwise is not subject to the direction or control in the performance of his professional duties. The Director General is required to submit an annual report to parliament through the minister.The first Director General and Deputy Director General officially took up their positions on 1st March 1997. The Bureau commenced full operations on 9th February 1998.


“Spearheading the fight against corruption in Malawi through prevention, education and law enforcement”


“An institution that promotes integrity and good governance towards attaining a corruption free Malawi”

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