Event details
Amidst the 20 weeks anti-corruption campaign, Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) officers in October 2022 visited thirty-five (35) secondary schools in three education divisions and reached out to an estimated total of 13000 students with messages on integrity and anti-corruption. The objective was to inculcate a culture of integrity and good morals among the school going youth. This falls within one of the strategic objectives of the National Anti-Corruption Strategy (NACS II).
The Integrity and Anti-Corruption talks encouraged the school youths to embrace the qualities of a person of integrity as key to fighting corruption. The talks were conducted in Central East Education Division (CEED) and Northern Education Division (NED). The program targeted seventeen (17) schools in Nkhotakota, thirteen (13) in Dowa district while in Mzuzu, five (5) schools were targeted in NED.
The ACB reached out to 13,155 youths in 35 schools. ACB started these school outreaches in 2014. Teachers and school authorities have applauded ACB for these efforts as they are complementing the teachers’ efforts in instilling integrity in students.
The ACB continues to disseminate anti-corruption messages to all in order to encourage integrity and ethics among people both in institutions as well as at a personal level.

Integrity is a key to fight against corruption.
Interaction with schools to inculcate a culture of integrity and good morals