Public Education Department
PEDs Organogram
Mandate Section 10 (1) (iii) and (iv) of the Corrupt Practices Act (CPA) mandates the Public Education Department (PED) to:
- Disseminate information on the dangers and evils of corruption
- Enlist and foster public support in the fight against corruption

PEDs Objectives
- To promote corruption reporting among Malawians.
- To inculcate values of honesty and truthfulness among Malawians.
- To promote collaboration with other institutions.
- To enhance the capacity of public education in the Bureau.
- To build confidence in the Bureau among the citizenry through improved corporate communication.
PED Approaches
ACB Communication Strategy
The PED uses this Strategy when planning its activities. This aims at establishing a systematic way of communicating its messages to the public. It was developed by the Department in 2007 with the help of a consultant from Cassals and Associates and is reviewed every three years. It has target audiences and methodologies to be used in order to make the civic education activities demand driven. It has a tool for continuous monitoring and evaluation at the end of every 3 years.
Theories of change
There is a general consensus that anti-corruption interventions should be tailored to the local context if they are to bring about behavioral change. As such the approach that PED is taking is ensuring that impact is felt by the target group, consequently causing action. The process is moving from awareness activities to citizen engagement on issues affecting them.
PED Main Activities
Anti-Corruption Workshops
The anti-corruption workshops aim at equipping participants with information about ACB and effects of corruption and how it can be reported to ACB. Often times trainees/participants are also trained to sensitize others on the issues of corruption. The workshops target a particular grouping like Public officers such as accountants, procurement officers; youths, religious leaders among many others.
Football and Netball Bonanzas
Bonanzas are a powerful tool that is used to mobilize the general public and out of school youths. The bonanzas are used to attract the youths with the aim of giving them anti-corruption and integrity messages and instill a culture of integrity in youths that are out of school and empower the citizens to fight corruption in their communities.
Print Media Programmes
The urban population and some from rural settings get informed on corruption issues in Malawi through the print media apart from the radio and other platforms. The local newspapers publish stories on ACB activities.
Anti-Corruption Motivational talks in schools
This is one of the methods mostly used to disseminate information to the youths in schools. The main aim of the talks is to inculcate a culture of integrity and good moral values among school youths so that they should grow into good citizens.
Electronic Media Programmes – Radio
Realising that many people in Malawi listen to the radio; the ACB is also using this media as one way of disseminating information to the public. Radio reaches all corners of Malawi and it has proven to be an effective way of disseminating information especially to the public in remote areas. Community Radio Stations are particularly used as most of their target listeners are the citizens in rural areas. Programs such as Radio jingles, drama, panel discussions are also used to inform and educate listeners on corruption issues.
PEDs Clients & Role Activities
PED clients
- Public bodies – means Government, and includes Ministries, Government Department, Statutory Corporations and any other body appointed by government.
- Public Officers – These are employees in service of a public body and includes President, Vice President, Ministers, Members of Parliament and Civil Servants.
- Private Bodies – Persons or organizations that are not a Public Body i.e. NGO’s and Charitable organizations.
- The General Public – Includes any individual, complainants and all victims of corruption.
- Media – Includes electronic and print media.
- International Organizations – Includes Donor Community.
PED role players
- Treasury – The Public Education Section through the Bureau gets funding through treasury.
- Malawi Police Service – Assists the PED of the Bureau through provision of security, conducting activities i. e. National Anti-Corruption Day.
- Other Case Handling Institutions – The PED of the Bureau shares information with other case handling institutions i.e. Ombudsman, Malawi Human Rights Commission.
- Southern African Forum Against Corruption – The regional body strengthens regional anti-corruption bodies through training, exchange of information and best practices.
- National Initiative for Civic Education (NICE) – The organization assists ACB in public awareness activities and soliciting public support against corrupt practices.