Pursuant to its powers under Section 23 (1) of the Corrupt Practices Act, on 28th August 2023,
the Anti-Corruption Bureau (the Bureau ) issued a Restriction Notice to the General Manager
of Malawi Against Physical Disability (MAP) from proceeding with an arrangement to relocate
a whistle blower and state witness to Rumphi District .
The Bureau established that the suspected officials have been victimising a whistleblower and
state witness who testified in a Court Case where the two MAP officials, Mr Alex Dzinkambani
the General Manager and Ms. Gloria Kanu the Administration Officer, were charged with
corrupt practices in May 2022. This matter is at prosecution stage.
The Restriction Notice has been issued to allow the case which the two are answering in Court,
to be concluded. Following the restriction notice, MAP is restricted from continuing with the
planned relocation until the Bureau has lifted the restriction notice.
In a related development, on 28th August 2023, the Bureau arrested Mr. Alex Dzinkambani
and Ms. Gloria Kanu for victimising a whistle blower who had further informed the Bureau of
alleged conversion of money belonging to MAP as security for their court bail and payment
to the legal firm representing them, by amongst other things relocating the said whistleblower
to Rumphi. This has been done pursuant to section 51(5) of the Corrupt Practices Act.
The two will be taken to Court after the Bureau has finished recording statements from them.
The Bureau is warning public officers and members of the public that it will take legal action
against all those who victimise whistle-blowers in this country .